
Ko wai matou

'We are Hapai Te Hauora, Turehou Maori Wardens and CAAH (Communities Against Alcohol Harm), a ropu of Maori and tangata tiriti, who are allied under the kaupapa of making our communities safer through reducing alcohol harm.

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We were brought together by our collective participation in the alcohol objection process, but what drives us to continue working together is our commitment to making our communities spaces that enable whanau Maori to thrive and be holistically well. Our mahi includes community activation, alcohol licensing and policy advocacy.

He Pukenga: We are the feet on the ground and the eyes in the community, we have particular legal expertise in the alcohol licensing space and expertise in Maori Public Health. 

Our work with Te Wa-i-Ora includes supporting Watene Maori in Tamaki Makaurau, Tamaki ki te Tonga, Waikato and parts of Te Tai Tokerau to oppose new off-licences; co-designing a kaupapa Maori toolkit which supports whanau to engage in safe alcohol use; and advocating for a review of the Sale and Supply Alcohol Act 2012'

Ko te amorangi ki mua, te hapai ō ki muri